Chritmas preperations and sewing stock
Well hello again. It seems I am only posting every six months or so now, but I find there is increasingly so much to do nowadays, sewing to stock the shop , photographing the dolls, listing the outfits, packing and posting orders, emailing customers about custom orders, book keeping, filling a tax return (booh!) . And after all that I'm keeping my day job of nursing going, bank nursing and keeping house! So do excuse me if I don't post too often. I love keeping the shop going though and look forward to the time when I can retire from the day job and donate more precious time to it. Here are some photos of custom orders and stock that I have been making lately.
So as you can see I have been busy and this is only a small fraction of the workload!
As all of you have probably been doing I have been trying very hard to get Christmasy this week whilst I have had a weeks leave from the dayjob. Putting up the tree-
decorating the fireplace-
The weather today is not at all chrismassy- torrential rain and fog this morning. This was the yucky veiw from my window this morning! that ball of light wasnt the sun, it was the camera flash bouncing off the window- sorry !
What asorry sight indeed. Jazz was quite disgusted.
Nearly all done now. I will make it my new years resolution to try to blog more often, can't promise tho! ;) Bye for now, hope all your preperations are coming along nicely.