Friday, 20 September 2013

New dolls outfits for the shop

Well helloo again !, I know its a long time since I posted again, what with the online shop and my day job I don't seem to have much time for this blog lately, in fact the whole summer has gone by without me posting anything, note to self--I must try to keep up with my blog.
Well I have been busy making more outfits, some of them you can see here, I have been busy making school dresses, and hope to put some gymslips and cardigans etc. on when I have sourced the fabrics, then I may make a school uniform category, I'm not sure yet but for now have just got a small amount of dresses for sale, if you are wanting more (if there happens to be any customers reading this) you just have to e mail me and I will do a custom order for you.

At the beginning of the summer I did a custom order to dress someones much loved heirloom doll in old fashioned dress, I enjoyed doing this very much, I used old fasioned lace , pearl buttons and pretty delicate fabrics. The results were much appreciated by the customer. It is so nice to enjoy doing an order and have the bonus of making someones day when the order is complete and parcelled of to them. Pictures below.


These are just some of the outfits I have made recently and are in the shop for sale at the moment.

 Scool dresses to fit American Girl and Baby  Born, American Girl has a hair scrunchy to match .

New PJ's for Annabell, 18 inch size only, I'm afraid I don't make for the smaller Annabelle Dolls.

And a cute Bathrobe to match, (sold seperately)  And a new coat and beret set for Autumn.

I have also been trying to stock up on Baby born boy outfits such as these :-

And lastly a coat for Autumn for Barbie.

I hope you've enjoyed looking at my photos and that you will visit the shop soon!