Saturday, 31 July 2010

Busy time sewing

I have had a busy time sewing the last week when I haven't been working ! I have been making one of my rag dolls for my great neices ninth birthday, she looked at my shop online then gave me precise details of what she wanted, eye colour, hair colour,  skin colour and that she wanted pink bloomers, not white, Bless her!

This was the finished result, right down to the little white felt trainers that she wanted. I do hope she'll like it!
You can just see the little pink dog daisies I embroidered on the sides of them.

I've also been busy sewing outfits to fit Annabell for my shop as they were getting a bit low, here is one for you, if you want to see more you can visit my shop


  1. You have a lovely blog. I have enjoyed visiting today.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  2. Oh Thank you so much Sherry, so nice to know that someone actually reads my blog,please do call again.


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