Friday, 9 July 2010

Made to order bathrobe for a Rag Doll

I recently made this little fleece bathrobe and slippers at a customer's request and thought I would share it with you, I like to make things specially for someone at their request , as it feels more special somehow, gives me a warmer feeling than just making something and putting it in the shop in the hope that someone will come along and like it.

I have a full weeks leave next week from my 'day job' so I can sew, list and blog to my heart's content, along with doing all those jobs around the house and garden that I have been putting of for ages, also have started to make a crochet stripey blanket to snuggle up to in winter when I get the 'shivers'. I got inspiration from the blog - Attic 24, a fascinating blog by a very talented lady, that I love to delve into now and then, her designs are so colourful and her blog is an inspiration in itself.

So as I was saying loads to do next week, don't know if I'll fit everything in but will have a good try.  I will post a picture of my blanket when it starts to 'grow more', which will probably take me some time as I havn't done any crochet for a very long time.

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