Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Feeling lousy but had a sale

Hi all, sorry but todays blog is a bit of a moan, am I allowed?, ok I'll make it a quick one. Well I was going to do so many things with my two and a half weeks leave from the day job, which I am into the second day of now, but unfortunately had to retire to bed on friday evening feeling lousy with the start of a chest infection, now into fourth day of it and going to doctors later today to get some antibiotics, and as always happens my back has started to play up due to the inactivity. Ah well, onwards and upwards as they say, the upside is I had a sale yesterday after a very quiet period and sold this cute little coat set to fit Annabell, I can always make similar if anyone is interested.
Well thats all from me for today, sorry for the moan., and hope to get back to my usual blogging self soon.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Rainy Tuesday

Hi again, the weather here in West Yorkshire is atrocious! It has rained most of the night and all morning so far, Jazz, our cat went out for a short while but quickly came back after doing the neccesary and took his place by the fire-

And looked at me plaintively as if to say, " Mum why can't you make this rain stop?"
I wish I could little one!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Rainy Saturday

Hi there again, well isn't the weather terrible, and this morning I was actually quite cold when I first got up so I decided to put the fire on whilst I drank my first cuppa of the day!

Another reason I needed the fire on was because our  cat  Jazz had been out for a while and it had been pouring with rain, and this is the only entrance to the house that he will use.

Anyway when I'd had my cuppa I decided to make some jam with these blackcurrants and gooseberies from the garden, I know there are only a few gooseberries, it's only a little bush and didn't do too well this year, but the blackcurrants are giving a good yeild this year. I know they look a little squishy but thats because I picked them on Wednesday evening and was working on Thursday and friday morning so I froze them and thawed them out overnight to make the jam today
Oh dear !
Anyway after getting all my ingredients together Jazz decided to make an appearance and was loudly demanding his food so ----

It was feeding time

And warm by the fire time---incidentally whilst taking this picture I managed to take a better picture of the beady flowers spray that I showed you a couple of blog posts ago.

Do you see it curling to the top of this arrangement, if you click to make the picture larger you will be able to see the little red rhinestones set into the middle of each flower, I love to look at this, isn't it funny how such a simple little thing can bring such joy, must be the weather!

Anyway back to the jam,
I had my little ramekin dish of cold water all ready to test the setting  point.

And then for the boring bit of stirring ,stirring , and testing

I had to put it into two seperate pans at this stage because I forgot how much it bubbles up and I was afraid of it boiling over.

and finally, three pots of blackcurrant jam and a little half pot of gooseberry which will be guarded with my life --MINE!, Oh I don't mean to be so mean but I simply adore gooseberry Jam and don't see it often in the supermarket.
Well by now the rain had stopped so I went to inspect the blackcurrant bush to see if any more were plump enough for picking, it is getting rather ravaged now with the wind and rain, but hopefully there will be some more soon.

As you can see they're starting to drop on the floor with the wind and rain. And I picked a little spray to put on the mantlepiece to cheer up the room a little, don't know what these are called , a neighbour gave me the bulbs some time ago and they are just starting to come out so I thought I would pick some before the weather gets to them. Come on weather cheer up! its August for goodness sake!

It's quite pretty isn't it. Well thats about all today folks apart from to say thankyou again to Sherry from Alabama for her kind comment on my last blog, it really is nice to know I'm not blogging to myself all this time, and just to say I would really like to hear your comments, and what you have been up to, also look out for some more Rag doll clothes coming soon to my shop, http://www.dotties-dolls-clothes-emporium.co.uk/
Get yourself along there and have a nosey, thanks for listening and take care until the next blog.