Saturday, 31 July 2010

Busy time sewing

I have had a busy time sewing the last week when I haven't been working ! I have been making one of my rag dolls for my great neices ninth birthday, she looked at my shop online then gave me precise details of what she wanted, eye colour, hair colour,  skin colour and that she wanted pink bloomers, not white, Bless her!

This was the finished result, right down to the little white felt trainers that she wanted. I do hope she'll like it!
You can just see the little pink dog daisies I embroidered on the sides of them.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

This and That

Hi again, just thought I'd show you bits and bats of  my favorite things around the place today, This is a cross stitch picture I made that I have hanging in my kitchen, I used to do quite a lot of cross stitch before I started my online dolls clothes shop, don't have as much time for it now, although I keep promising myself I will finish my victorian house wall hanging that I have been stitching on linen for years on and off now, it is a delightful wall hanging showing all the rooms of the house in great detail, I will photograph it later in the week up to where I have got to in it, that may encourage me to finish it, and then show you the finished result, come to think of it I have loads of UFO's in my cupboards, have you many unfinished objects? perhaps if you talk about them in my blog here you may be encouraged to finish them.
The other thing I thought I might share with you is the stem of beady flowers I bought today on the way back from my hydrotherapy at the hospital, felt like treating myself it was rather expensive at £4.99 for one stem but I felt I deserved it after working hard at my underwater exercises.  Here it is peaping out of my grasses etc. It is made up of lemon beads and little red rhinestone set centres, thought it went well with the Valentine fairylights that I liked so much I never got around to putting them away until next Valentines day!

Sorry that picture is a little overexposed I'm not the best of Photographers I'm afraid, will try again in my next blog entry when I will show you the new outfits I have made for my shop to fit Annabell and Barbie. Meanwhile I will show you the last outfit I made for Baby born, still up for sale and I really did think it would be snapped up- just goes to show eh?

I think thats all I have to show you for know, don't forget to post about the UFO's, take care until we meet again.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Busy Day, lots of things to show you

Well today is the last day of my weeks annual leave, and it's continued  to rain all week but still have managed to get lots of things done so all hasn't been in vain, it would have been nicer if I could have sat in the garden a little but, heyho!   -was not to be. I went out yesterday to do a little shopping , just general things , toiletries, some more paint brushes and a new doormat for when I have finished decorating the lobby, but couldn't resist coming home with this too,as It was really cheap and -- I needed it!

Really I did need it, you see I have Fibromyalgia, and sometimes it really hurts my hand when pushing the plunger of the cafetierre down, so now - yey, no more plunging in the mornings , and as I said was really cheap, just £7.99 from Wilkinsons, don't know if I'm allowed to advertise on a blog but anyway I've done it now.    So anyway I bet your thinking what about the progress with the lobby, well I'm still getting on with it slow but steady, it involves working in a confined space and a lot of looking up when I paint the ceiling which makes me go rather dizzy, but I am persevering and all will be revealed when I finish it, but for now just so that you don't think I'm skiving here is another progress photo.

Well as I say I made a lot of progress on the lobby, then when I'de done all the boring housework stuff I made these lovely buttercreamy good things, and a chicken curry for dinner tonight.

Remember the blanket I was inspired to make by Lucy at Attic 24?, well here is the picture of my progress so far, managed to do some more of that today too,

I am sooooo enjoying crocheting again after all this time, I think the last thing I crocheted  was a pram blanket for my freinds baby when I was about 24, and I'm 57 now!!, and the baby has daughters of her own!  And the last thing I have to show you today is a little sneak preveiw of some of the Barbie outfits I have been making for my shop to replace the ones I sold.

She wasn't being very good today, she was waving at someone I think. -- I did tell you I was getting a bit eccentric, if someone could come along and chat to me on here you could halt the progress of my eccentricity!  Well it's back to work on Monday so I may not have as much time to blog, but I still have the weekend to sew in amongst the household jobs. I hope you all have a good weekend, and also hope we all have some good weather in there.
Bye for now!

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Annual leave- progress, and relaxation

Hi there, The weather is not being very kind to me on this weeks annual leave, it is very dark and dismal and sometimes rainy, however, I am progressing with decorating my lobby, have now got all the paintwork rubbed down and repainted, ta daa!

It isn't showing at it's shiniest because of the lack of daylight we have today but believe me, it is shiny!, now I have to keep both doors open until its dry as I have painted in the door jambs, so I am hoping it won't rain too hard---or thunder! !

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Stripping and stackers

Hi again, Yesterday was stripping day---no not me, don't think that would conjure up a very good picture, but since we decorated  the lounge some time ago and didn't get around to painting the paper on one wall, deciding to leave it white for a while ( really because we'de had enough of decorating for a while), we also left the small lobby that leads from the front door into the lounge, so-- seeing how I have a week off work , decided to finish up on the decorating and this is the 'nearly finished stripping lobby'-----
Now you may think why is she showing such a disgustingly shabby picture, but watch this space and hopefully will be showing you a brand spanking new lobby soon. 

Friday, 9 July 2010

Made to order bathrobe for a Rag Doll

I recently made this little fleece bathrobe and slippers at a customer's request and thought I would share it with you, I like to make things specially for someone at their request , as it feels more special somehow, gives me a warmer feeling than just making something and putting it in the shop in the hope that someone will come along and like it.

I have a full weeks leave next week from my 'day job' so I can sew, list and blog to my heart's content, along with doing all those jobs around the house and garden that I have been putting of for ages, also have started to make a crochet stripey blanket to snuggle up to in winter when I get the 'shivers'. I got inspiration from the blog - Attic 24, a fascinating blog by a very talented lady, that I love to delve into now and then, her designs are so colourful and her blog is an inspiration in itself.

So as I was saying loads to do next week, don't know if I'll fit everything in but will have a good try.  I will post a picture of my blanket when it starts to 'grow more', which will probably take me some time as I havn't done any crochet for a very long time.